Due to road conditions school is closed Feb 4, 2025
Due to road conditions school is closed Feb 4, 2025
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Come and see us and all that St. Joseph's School has to offer.
Once we review your child's information, we will notify you within 24 hours of our acceptance decision for enrollment of your child at St. Joseph's School.
Space is limited in several grades so act soon to reserve your child's space!
International Students click here for application information.
Call the school at 604-872-5715, email us at office@saintjosephschool.ca or fill out the form below for assistance.
As per the policy of the Superintendent's office for all Catholic Schools in the Vancouver Archdiocese; the following is the priority list for admission to St. Joseph’s School. For purposes of this policy, “practicing Catholics” shall mean those individuals who are registered in a parish and attend Sunday Mass regularly, “active in a parish” shall mean those who support the parish by using envelopes (no minimum amount specified) and participate in the work activities required of them.
l. Children presently enrolled in the school if they and their families meet the expectations of the school.
2. Siblings of children already in the school whose families are practicing Catholics and active in our parish.
3. Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in our parish.
4. Siblings of children already in the school whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes.
5. Children whose families are practicing Catholics coming into the parish who have been attending Catholic school elsewhere.
6. Children whose families are practicing Catholics active in other parishes.
7. Children whose families are either not practicing Catholics or not active in their parishes.
8. Non-Catholics. Once accepted into the school, non-Catholics need only meet the criteria expected of other students to be re-admitted in subsequent years. Siblings of non-Catholics cannot be given priority over Catholics.
* It is the Pastor's prerogative and responsibility to decide upon an admission of a family where there is financial difficulty and/or inability to participate in the Participation Program. The Pastor may decide to grant them "Special Consideration".